Our People

Our People

We are part of a mission-driven and an impact-oriented organization that aims at transforming the traditional style of doing business. We deeply respect the opinions of our internal and external stakeholders, and we truly strive to engage them in productive dialogue and interaction. We believe in teamwork and the collective wisdom of our all-team members regardless of their ranks and tiers in the defined organizational structure of decision making. This is our spirit that makes us unique in the market and gives us a sustainable competitive edge.

Our team members are chosen through an open, transparent, and fair selection process. We deeply invest into the professional grooming, knowledge updating, and skills upgrading of our members, and that makes them proud of their association with AOGC. Our goal is to look after the collective well-being of our team members – both in their professional life as well as in their personal and social life. It is because we are a family, so we protect and nourish each of our team members as if we care for our own family members. However, even though we aim high, we may not have yet reached this ideal and optimal stage, but we continuously aim for reaching that goal. Nevertheless, this is how we see and envision ourselves in the future. We welcome you to become part of our ambitious team.