Amo River Basin Project

Amo River Basin Project

Afghanistan is endowed with ample hydrocarbons resources, however, these endowments have largely remained untapped and the upstream and downstream operations are still in its infancy.  Despite of the challenges in tapping the resources, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has taken several initiatives after the takeover of the government. One of the recent initiatives taken by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is the Exploration & Production Sharing Contract (EPSC) on Amo River Basin which has been signed early January 2023 with Afg-Chin Oil & Gas Limited for the purpose of exploration, development and production of hydrocarbons on Amo River Basin with a term of 25 years.

The contract area is 4,500 km² and it is stretched over three northern provinces namely Jawzjan, Sari Pul, and Faryab. The contract area includes the following five designated fields:

  1. Kashkari
  2. Angot
  3. Aq Darya
  4. Zamarudsai
  5. Bazar Khami

The current daily oil production from Amo River Basin is around 1,100 cubic meter and as per the EPSC, the production will rise to at least 5,357 cubic meter per day in the fifth year of the contract.